In this live 2.5hr technical webinar Nick Linford will cover everything you need to know about T-Levels and the way the ESFA funds them.
1. Overview of the T-Level curriculum design and requirements
2. T-Level implementation timeline
3. 16-19 Study Programme Funding formula overview
4. T-Level funding rates
5. T-Level funding formula
6. 16-19 Study Programme lagged funding allocations
7. T-Level data requirements
8. T-Level achievement rates and performance monitoring
9. Funding audit and using DSATs for T-Levels
10. T-Level transition programme
Curriculum, funding, finance, MIS managers and other senior staff will benefit, particularly from organisations such as:
– Independent learning providers
– FE colleges
– Local authority providers
– Sector related organisations (including LEPs and MCAs)
– Other organisations with an interest in T Level funding
Places are expected to go fast, so book now to avoid disappointment. These 2.5hr technical commercial ‘expert’ webinars cost £140 + VAT (£95 + VAT for Gold Members) per registration, which will include the materials and recording.