The ESFA has made changes to the subcontracting rules for 16-19, AEB and apprenticeship and, in recent weeks, published for the first time a ‘subcontracting standard’. This annual update event will provide an invaluable opportunity to hear the key apprenticeship and FE subcontracting changes, implications, and best practices from experts in funding, contracting, inspection and audit.
Miss this and miss out!
Note: Like the ‘subcontracting standard’, the event will cover 16-19 Study Programmes, national AEB and apprenticeship subcontracting
Comments from past attendees:
Marion Gibbon, Data Quality & Compliance Manager at North Herts College, said: “Excellent, as per normal lots of information given in a short amount of time.”
Kevin Thompson Strategic, Commissioning Manager at South Tyneside Council, said: “Very informative event with insightful speakers.”
Laura Lewis-Davies, Apprenticeship & Training Programmes Manager at the V&A, said: “The event was incredibly useful. The facilitators were clearly experts in their respective fields and delivered the content with no-nonsense clarity – a refreshing approach to policy!”
Maureen Evans-Olsen, Apprenticeship Strategy Development at TJMorris Limited, said: “It was a great event which delivered ‘what it said on the tin’ the information was factual and straightforward delivered in a style which was accessible and unambiguous.”
10:20 | Join online
10:30 | The new ESFA subcontracting standard and rule changes for 2022/23
Nick Linford, Apprenticeship and FE funding expert and author of sector subcontracting guide
11:10 | Managing new and existing subcontracting relationships ~ getting due diligence and contracting right
Mark Taylor, Partner, Corporate Education, Eversheds Sutherland
11:50 | Comfort break
12:10 | Funding, data and compliance: Audit advice for prime and sub-contractors
Karl Bentley, senior ILR and funding auditor from RSM
13:00 | Lunch Break and Networking
14:00 | Ofsted’s approach in 2022/23 to sub-contracting and best practice
Paul Joyce, Deputy Director, Further Education & Skills, Ofsted
15:00 | The future of subcontracting, beyond 2022/23
Nick Linford, Apprenticeship and FE funding expert and author of sector subcontracting guide
15:30 | End
Funding, finance, MIS, business development and other senior staff will benefit, from prime and subcontractor organisations, such as:
- FE colleges
- Independent learning providers
- Employer providers
- Local authorities and universities funded for post-16 provision by the ESFA
- Other organisations with an interest in ESFA post-16 funded provision