National AEB funding and rules
A technical workshop for anyone with an interest in the national (ESFA) funding of the Adult Education Budget. A comprehensive agenda for those new to funding and those looking for a 2022/23 update.
Attendees will also receive a copy of Nick’s AEB course dynamic funding profile tool.
Topics covered by Nick:
1. National AEB overview, key documents and changes (minor) for 2022/23
2. National funding eligibility and evidence
3. Level 3 free courses for jobs and digital entitlement
4. Full-funding legal entitlements and local flexibilities
5. Funding formula and rates for full and co-funding (incl. Single Activity Matrix)
6. Funding maths, English and ESOL – key differences
7. Using the ‘Find a learning aim’ system
8. Creating an AEB course dynamic funding profiler
9. Key ILR issues and related tools in 2022/23 (incl ESFA portals and FIS)
10. Funding audit for AEB and the use of the PDSATs
11. Future of national AEB and current consultation
Curriculum, funding, finance, MIS managers and other senior staff will benefit, particularly from organisations such as:
– Independent learning providers
– FE colleges
– Local authority providers
– Sector related organisations (including LEPs and MCAs)
– Other organisations with an interest in AEB funding
These 2.5hr technical commercial ‘expert’ webinars cost £150 + VAT (£95 + VAT for Gold Members) per registration, which will include the materials and recording.