For beginners and experts in apprenticeship funding, this technical workshop will focus on all the important features and changes to the formula, rates, rules, eligibility, ILR and audit.
Attendees will also receive a copy of Nick’s popular Apprenticeship Funding Calculator (2021/22 edition), which profiles starts from 1 August 2021.
This is very practical training with lots of worked examples (for training providers, colleges, HEIs and employer providers).
So join Nick Linford, author of the Complete Guide to Funding Apprenticeships, for this technical and in depth workshop.
1. Apprenticeship policies update – including Covid flexibilities
2. Apprenticeship rules update (2021/22)
3. Funding formula and profiling
4. Dynamic apprenticeship funding calculator
5. Apprenticeships the ILR in 2021/22
6. Apprenticeship funding audit (incl. DSATs) for 2020/21
7. Final funding clinic Q&A
Here’s some feedback from previous workshops:
Karen Murphy-Ryan, Head of Apprenticeship Delivery from Coventry College wrote: “As usual extremely informative and well worth attending”
Jacqui McIntosh, Apprenticeship BDM from VTCT wrote: “Good event, Nick was very informative and gave great advice, with regards to funding and the issues around funding.”
Dean Craggs, MIS Consultant from FE Associates wrote: “Excellent. It informed me of the key points I need to know regarding apprenticeship funding. very useful and highly recommended.”
These 2.5hr technical commercial ‘expert’ webinars cost £140 + VAT (£95 + VAT for Gold Members) per registration, which will include the materials and recording