AEB funding, tender support, monthly profiler and rate comparator software

        In this one-off special webinar Nick Linford will cover a range of AEB funding and ESFA tender related topics, as well as supply two bespoke AEB funding tools.

        > Technical tutorial on calculating and profiling AEB funding now, and from 2024/25
        > Copy of webinar slides and recording
        > Advice on completing the tender Volumes and Values spreadsheet
        > A copy of my AEB profiler, which help you calculate monthly AEB funding in 2023/24 and carry-overs into 2024/25
        > A copy of my FEI software, which help you compare learning aim funding in 2023/24 to the new rates for 2024/25

        This 2.5hr technical special webinar costs £245 + VAT per registration, which will include the materials, recording, AEB calculator and FEI software.

        * This is a one-off special webinar, so as a rule on registering for this event no refund can be offered after the fact. On registering you will also be issued with material and a unique joining link ahead of the webinar. Please contact the team if you need any further info.

        Event Details
        • Start Date
          28th February 2023 1:00 pm
        • End Date
          28th February 2023 3:30 pm
        • Status
        • Location
        • Category