In this live 2.5hr technical webinar Nick Linford will cover everything you need to know about the ESFA’s funding eligibility and formula for the Adult Education Budget for 2021/22.
The ESFA has published the AEB funding rates and formula document for 2021/22 along with the draft funding rules. which will form the basis for this training session.
The session will include lots of worked examples and attendees will receive a copy of Nick’s AEB course dynamic funding profiler for 2021/22.
In addition to being able to ask questions during the webinar, those that register will also receive a copy of all the materials, including a link to a full video of the session.
Feedback from previous webinar published with permission:
“Very informative, lots of key information offered in a professional manner. Would recommend.” Gary Durant, Head of Traineeships, Weston College
“Interesting and informative”, Marios Chrysostomou, Talented Training
“Excellent! Information was concise and totally relevant, thank you”, Julie Hallas, Learning and Curriculum Manager, Skills for Work, Bradford Council
“Pitched at just the right level, really useful.”, Laura Wallace, Adult Skills Manager, Myerscough College
“Very useful, helpful and much needed whilst we are all juggling with competing, challenging and new priorities at the moment in response to COVID, therefore this targeted webinar approach is excellent.”, Paula Reid-L’esperance, Head of MIS, Barnet and Southgate College
“Great webinar and really informative”, Ian Richards, Director of Finance, Chesterfield College
Topics covered by Nick:
1. AEB overview, key documents and changes for 2021/22
2. AEB devolution – key differences from ESFA and changes for 2021/22
3. Funding eligibility and evidence
4. Full-funding entitlements and local flexibilities
5. Funding formula and rates for full and co-funding (incl. Single Activity Matrix)
6. Funding maths, English and ESOL – key differences
7. Using the Learning Aims Reference System
8. Creating an AEB course dynamic funding profiler
9. Key ILR issues and related tools in 2021/22 (incl ESFA portals and FIS)
10. Funding audit for AEB and the use of the PDSATs
Curriculum, funding, finance, MIS managers and other senior staff will benefit, particularly from organisations such as:
– Independent learning providers
– FE colleges
– Local authority providers
– Sector related organisations (including LEPs and MCAs)
– Other organisations with an interest in AEB funding
Places are expected to go fast, so book now to avoid disappointment. These 2.5hr technical commercial ‘expert’ webinars cost £140 + VAT (£95 + VAT for Gold Members) per registration, which will include the materials and recording.