16-19 funding and PDSAT audit update

        Back due to popular demand, in this live 2.5hr technical webinar Nick Linford and Karl Bentley will cover everything you need to know about 16-19 study programme funding and the way the ESFA funds and audits.

        As announced this month, ESFA funding rates are changing again for 2023/24 and the double-act (Nick and Karl) are running a one-off webinar ahead of the critical ILR R06 data return.

        It is vital all MIS and funding staff understand the changes as well as the relationship between funding and data. For example, for funding purposes as part of lagged student numbers, do they all fully appreciate the financial implications of a correct start and end date in the ILR, or coding for the Study Programme core aim?

        A very practical webinar, delivered by Nick and auditor Karl, with lots of worked examples and materials to take away. Attendees will leave armed with vital knowledge.

        This is one of those one-off funding workshops ‘not to be missed’.

        Session outline:

        > 16-19 study programme funding (A levels, Btecs, T levels, etc) – incl. changes for 2023/24

        > Lagged student numbers and the 2023/24 allocations methodology

        > Preparing for ILR R06 (6 February deadline) and why it is so important

        > Online PDSAT and 16-19 audit and funding assurance – with real report examples


        Curriculum, funding, finance, MIS managers and other senior staff will benefit, particularly from organisations such as:

        – Independent learning providers

        – FE colleges

        – Local authority providers

        – Sector related organisations (including LEPs and MCAs)

        – Other organisations with an interest in 16-19 funding


        Places are expected to go fast, so book now to avoid disappointment. These 2.5hr technical commercial ‘expert’ webinars cost £150 + VAT (£95 + VAT for Gold Members) per registration, which will include the materials and recording.

        Event Details
        • Start Date
          30th January 2023 1:00 pm
        • End Date
          30th January 2023 3:30 pm
        • Status
        • Location